Saturday, July 30, 2011

Peanuts and Spoons

Our 2 year old has many nicknames. The first thing we really started to call her, other than her name, was Baby Girl. We still call her this today. We also call her BG which is short for Baby Girl. We usually use BG when we are texting about her. For example, "Is BG still sleeping?" Something like that. We call her Monkey, Little Monkey and LM which is short for Little Monkey and is also her initials; Lucia Marcella. We call her Pumpkin, Pumpkin Pie, Munchkin and the list goes on and on. The most common nickname we have for her is Peanut. This might be because she is small. While she is in the 60th percentile for height, she is in the 20 percentile for weight, making her a petite little 2 year old or also known as a peanut. However, it might be that when she was in utero we referred to her as a peanut before we knew is she was male or female and it just continued to stick. I'm not completely sure where this nickname came from but both my husband and I call her Peanut and she answers to it.

Lately she has been having terrible pooping issues. I blame it on her molars coming in. Although, it may also be that her diet consists of M&M's, whole milk, ice cream, hot dogs and blueberries. However, since I am responsible for what she eats, to an extent of course, I'd rather blame this on her molars coming in. I suppose I could blame it on her daddy though. The entire side of his family has intestinal/poop issues. This may be too  much information here, but they all poop - all the time and talk about how they all poop all the time. In any case, more so lately than ever my toddler has had some very messy diapers.  And although she is potty training she has yet to poop in the potty. As soon as she has to go #2, she begs me to put a diaper on her. For now I appease her.

Lucia said to her daddy, "I have to poop".
and Paul says back to her, "Peanut, are you making peanut butter?" And we all laughed.

And this is when a new saying was born in our family. Now when someone is using the bathroom they are making peanut butter.

We all laughed! But later that day I wasn't laughing. Paul was laying diagonally on the couch and all the babies were asleep. Finally a moment of rest for I thought.

I asked Paul if he would move over so I could lay on the couch too. He said I should just lay in front of him so he could "spoon" me. How romantic, I thought and was eager to lay down and spend a little cuddle time with my dear husband...until I finally did lay down in front of him and he giggled and said, "Man! That's a big spoon!". Sometimes he thinks he is so funny and I usually do to. But this time he lost his cuddling priviledges. I went and sat in his recliner and had a nice 15 minutes to myself before someone woke up.

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